Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My favourite Japanese item.

Since I lived in Japan for 5 years I developed a taste for Japanese food. Especially for a very tasty local dish called Ume Onigiri. It is a sour plum (Ume) put in rice and then wrapped in Nori (seaweed). It is generally eated dry without any gravy or sauce to go with it. In a way it is simillar to sushi except larger and in a triangular shape. This dish is not usually served in restraunts as it is not considered a delicacy if you want to buy it you would probably have to go to a japanese or asian market.


Hamada said...

おにぎりはおいしいですよね〜。わたしもすきです。ツナマヨネーズ(つなまよねーず/tuna mayonnaise)がいちばんすきです:)

brian said...

I don't know ume onigiri but I do like ume shu (梅酒)。わたしのともだちのなまえはうめです。カナダ人です。 I guess her parents like plums.

mr. ji oh said...

Ume Onigiriが すきです。!!

Stephen Boyanton said...


Katy said...

そうですか。I can't believe you lived in Japan! うめおにぎりはおいしいですね。I would like to try some, as well as other lesser known にほんごのたべもの!

Mr Zazanis said...
